Service Area

 Fair and Square Repair, LLC is based out of Bloomington, MN with a Core Service Area that includes surrounding suburbs in the South Minneapolis metropolitan area as shown in the map below.

Non-Core Service Area Trip Charge Policy
– There is no Trip Charge for clients located within the “Core Service Area” shown on the map below.

– Clients located outside of the Core Service Area will be charged a “Trip Fee” for transit time at $50/hr, with the total transit time applying to the round trip from Bloomington, MN.

-This fee will be multiplied for
each day that services are provided onsite. 

Note: The trip surcharge does not apply to travel for initial consultations to review project details for estimations.  Stops for gas or to shop materials will never be included in the Trip Charge calculation.  This fee helps to defray the operational costs of transit time and vehicle mileage expenses.